Where does the time go?

Yikes! It’s the 14th already! I’m in the final throes of getting ready for a thesis defense and I’ve been letting other balls drop left and right, like our meetup. Sorry. Are folks still up for tomorrow night at CBC? I’ll be there and hope to see anybody who’s not at MCN, NEMA, or some other conference.


  1. I will definitely be there, but late, 7:45 pm. I’ll check the website before I go to see if its still on.


  2. I really want to be there, but the Cambridge School Committee is meeting at the same time, and the parents of kids in the ISP program (potentially on the chopping block) are supposed to show up so that the School Committee can pretend they are listening to us…


    1. Sorry to hear it, Sandy. I went to those kinds of meetings when they were doing the great school shuffle a few years back. Not very empowering. You might need a drink afterwards! Or have your lovely and talented husband go while you “network” with us!


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