The first CODE | WORDS essay is on Medium!

And so it begins…

I am very excited to announce that Michael Edson’s “Dark Matter”, the first CODE | WORDS essay, is up on Medium! I invite you all to go give it a read and join us in a series of stimulating discussions on the intersection of digital technologies and museum practice.


  1. I have so many thoughts swirling in my head after reading this very thought-provoking essay. You invite us to join the discussion, but I’m not seeing how I can do so? Is there a comments feature with the article that I’m missing? I have to get my thoughts in order, but I would like to share them. Thanks!


  2. Hi Sara,

    Commenting on Medium is pretty painless in a browser. You just select the text you’re commenting on, and a window on the right hand column will open. This allows you to comment specifically on a passage or paragraph, rather than just append a comment to the end. This was one of the reason we opted to try Medium.

    Also, if you feel that your comment is turning into a more lengthy response, write an essay on Medium and tag it with the CODE | WORDS tag. We’ll add it to the collection!


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