So We’ve Got a Web Site, Now What?

My first, legit, professional publication credit. The title for this paper was inspired by our efforts to take a new medium and figure out how it fit among the museum’s other programs. Launching the initial version of the site was a relatively painless process. Maintaining and growing it was the challenge. For the Museum of Science, the major issue facing our site was an identity crisis — what was the purpose of the site?

The cross-divisional steering committee charged with overseeing the site spent the better part of a year trying to answer that question. Our examination of the site’s implicit mission, its audiences, and its potential to further the institution’s goals was an often painful, but rewarding experience that has had tremendous positive influence on our web efforts. This paper explores and explains some of the results of long months of discussion, brainstorming and argument.

Citation: Rodley, E. (1999). So we’ve got a web site, now what? In J. Trant and D. Bearman (Ed.), Museums and the Web 1999. Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics.